Over18 years of medical training, including board certification in Plastic Surgery, General Surgery, and Fellowship training in diseases of the breast.
He also trained with national and international authorities in the field, giants in the field of breast cancer such as Dr. Suzanne Klimberg, and the nationally and internationally recognized Dr. Luis Vasconez, who have all been mentors and have transferred their knowledge to Dr. Boneti during his training.
Patients seeking referral for massage should call 310-414-3006 to make an appointment for a zoom consultation with physician and make your payment. Once your appointment is schedule you must fill in patient intake form, before appointment time with physician.
Promotional Price for Just Massage Clients for Massage Referral Consultation
Please call (310) 993-4679 to set up an appointment for Facial Wrinkles Treatment (Botox, Jeuveau) and Facial Fillers (Hyaluronic Acid)
For any other matter related to Plastic Surgery, General Surgery, Oncology and disease of the Breast please refer to Cancer Institute of America site.
Available by appointment only
Available by appointment only
The higher priority for Just Massage Studio is the wellness of the clients, employees, and providers. The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been a matter of real concern. It is our goal to make sure you and the massage therapists at Just Massage stay safe and healthy while getting the services during the coming days and weeks.
We are in constantly monitoring to CDC and government regulations specifically at this moment regarding the Corona Virus (COVID-19). The therapists are being regularly reminded to follow universal health protocols, including frequent hand-washing, sterilization of surfaces, and generous use of hand sanitizer.
To date, we have had no case of illness in our establishment.
We know that massage services are crucial for stress reduction and maintaining a strong immune system, so we ask that you pay attention to your own health. Please follow all CDC recommendations, including washing your hands with soap frequently (and for 20 seconds or longer each time), using hand sanitizer, and avoiding contact with others—including massage therapists—if you feel ill or are displaying fever or respiratory symptoms.
We are doing all possible to keep this virus away from our facility and to be able to keep doing our work and keeping our clients relaxed and stress relieved.
Hand Sanitizer, disinfectant, Kleenex and wipes are available in the store if you feel the need to request it for your own cleaning procedures.
Please do not come in if you feel any signs of sickness. Most of all if you have a fever. We need to work together to keep everyone safe. Social distancing is being asked to keep a minimum change in transferring of the virus. Washing hands and not touching your face is also very effective. Reach out at any time should you have questions. As always, we thank you for your support of and trust in our company.
Session Procedures:
Cleaning Procedures:
Please do not come in if you are experiencing the following:
Fever, Cough, Shortness of Breath, Loss of Smell or Taste
Stay home if you have had contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or may have it.